營地位於大嶼山下長沙,擁有港版夏威夷之稱外國風沙灘。陽光與海灘, 日落與日出, 親親大自然, 著名的露營及渡假天堂。 無論是親子遊, 朋友共度時光 或情侶浪漫之旅, 都能樂而忘返。
Located in Cheung Sha, Lantau Island, which has a Bali-style beach with perfect sea view. Incredible experience for Glamping and Recreation.
最多容納人數 5 人。夏天提供鑽石觀星帳篷體驗, 1 廳 1 房, 涼快舒適。 冬天提供至尊南非營, 能有效抵禦北風, 溫暖舒適。 免費提供折搭帳篷服務, GAS爐, COOK SET等設備, 可兩手空空享受露營樂。
Max 5 people per Tent. Provide diamond tent in Summer, 1 hall and 1 room, cool and comfortable. Provide supreme South African camp in winter, warm and fancy. Free tent setup service, gas stove, Cook Set and other equipment are provided, so you can enjoy camping easily.
最多容納人數3 人。波希米雅風六角營帳篷體驗, 寬敞舒適。 免費提供折搭帳篷服務, GAS爐, COOK SET等設備, 可兩手空空享受露營樂。
Max 3 people Per Tent. Bohemian style hexagonal camp tent experience, spacious and comfortable. Free tent setup service, gas stove, Cook Set and other equipment are provided, so you can enjoy camping easily.
自攜營帳紮營體驗。免費享用沖身室, 廁所等設施, 在一大片草地及星空享受露營樂趣。
Bring your own tent camping experience. Free access to shower room, toilet and other facilities, enjoy the fun of camping with grassland, sea view and starry sky.
提供燒烤爐租賃及燒烤餐代購服務。食物豐富, 在美麗的星空下燒烤, 明有一番風味。
Provide BBQ pit rental service and BBQ food package service. Enjoy awesome BBQ experience with friends, sea view and starry sky.
Please Whatsapp Us for Camping Information
今日營業 | 上午10:30 – 下午07:00 |